Friday, September 2, 2011

Keeping Tabs

Article: Keeping Tabs

While this article is about how the tab came to be used in arganizing information it also deals a great deal with index cards that were once used to organize books at a libriary. The article does a very good job of drawing our attention to something we take for granted and explaining the history of it's development. In an effor to not bore the reader the author doesn't get too far into detail about specific aspects of the tab's history. He moves it right along and hits the high points and states the interesting stuff.

This article is written very straight forward and would appeal to all age groups. When reading the article, it feels as though it's a continuation of a short interesting fact someone would point out as "did you know that...". It's as though the author knew you just wanted a little more information on the subject, but not too much to bore or deter you from reading pages of information.

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