I was expecting some analysis and discussion about information modeling, followed by practical application. The first few slides did offer some discussion of the concept of information modeling, but there was no comprehensive analysis. Instead, this is a linear presentation of how to build a cross-indexing system, which is not what I associate with information modeling.
The presentation does a good job of methodically walking through the steps to create a linear index with cross-indexing features, but there is no 'demystification.' No concepts or ideas are presented as mystified to be demystified. Instead, a book-technology-based system of hierarchies is assumed--there is no interaction with the audience or searching for comprehensive feedback.
For what it does, this is a fairly well structured presentation. Including speaker notes would be a great idea, and some of the slides are cluttered, especially towards the end. If you want to build a site map or impose a rigid superstructure on a wiki or intranet, this presentation could be very useful. If you want to understand any of the concepts behind the structure or examine how or why one structure works better than another, this resource is less useful.
Nicely played.